Strange Things On The Club Penguin Map

Here are a few things wrong with the Club Penguin Map:

If you can’t read them:

  • What room is that on top of the Mountain? The top of the Mountain only has a signpost on it.
  • Where did those ski gates come from on the Ice Sled track? I thought there was only logs and rocks.
  • Where’s the Sport Shop on the map?
  • Why are there 2 Grandstands at the Ice Rink?
  • I thought the Mine Shack was purplish, not white.
  • Why is there a second Iceberg?
  • Where’s the Aqua Grabber?
  • Why is there only one Snow Fort?
  • Why has the light on the Lighthouse got a roof on it?
  • What’s that pole sticking out of the Dock?
  • Which of the 7 buildings in the town are the Nightclub, Coffee Shop and the Gift Shop, and what are the other buildings?

Can you see any more major things wrong with the map? Comment what it is!

12 Responses to “Strange Things On The Club Penguin Map”

  1. lolli....and tornado ..crazi south pacific chicks Says:

    …those poles on the ice sled track are called gates…for downhill racing, yeah we got our snowboards ready…bring it on! [hope the snow is gud]

  2. kiwiwaddle1 Says:

    thats weird. I know Aqua Grabber isn’t there cause they didn’t update the map when the came out with it. 🙂

  3. lolapola Says:

    those r normal things
    1: the iceberg isnt to things its just the desgin of two and togther to make the one
    2 they cant fit in details like auqa garbber, sports shop and smaller things
    3 yes those two thhings are called gates.
    4. the two ranks are the same as the iceberg.
    i hope this answers.. and yes i have something werid to: if the dojo is yellow why doe sit look like a montuion!? FROM LOLAPOLA

  4. zezehoney Says:

    I think your right but still they cant fit in all the details like extra forts and stuff.

  5. Eckomancool Says:

    Dont get wat your saying! :0 :3 😦 😛 :9

  6. Eckomancool Says:


  7. Eckomancool Says:

    😦 😦 😦 😦 😦 :)))))))))))))))))

  8. Eckomancool Says:

    🙂 ! i must slow my comments down even if i have a fast computer!

    🙂 Ok chill guys,

  9. bri Says:

    im just lookin for cp cheats and ur rite about the town whats that place behind the gift shop?

  10. Megmog Says:

    ok i havnt been on cp for long so idk what u guys(or girls)r talking about…but the still dont add little bits of detail…but it rocks

  11. victoria Says:

    umm… this map is kinda wierd i only been a penguin for six years i dont recal that map ohh and I see a penguin in a sucba suitin the background.

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