Lux1200’s 4,000,000th visitor!

Well, after an hour of waiting on Lux’s site to get 4 million views, and half an hour of furious refreshing (it’s like 3am as I’m posting this šŸ˜› ), waiting for the coin code to come up, I was the one who claimed the prize. Hard work pays off! I decided to redeem the Black MP3000 and the Green Skater Hat, which funnily match the White MP3000 and the Brown Skater Hat from the coin code that came with the Limited Edition Gold Viking Penguin Plush Toy that I won. šŸ˜€ Sorry I couldn’t give the coin code to one of you guys, but if I didn’t claim it, someone else would, and we can’t have that now, can we? šŸ˜› Jokes, but I would like to thank Lux for holding this competition for me to win ( šŸ˜› ), all the other competitions he’s held, for being my friend on Club Penguin and most of all for being a friend to me. Lux, you rock! Also, if you haven’t seen his website, CHECK IT OUT!!! (Alternatively, you could click the link in my Awesome Blogroll)

Here are the pictures of Lux reaching 4,000,000 hits and me wearing the winning items (in super high quality of course! šŸ˜› ).

On the topic of milestones, it seems I hit 22,000 hits without even realising! I’ll see if I can make Page 3 extra special to celebrate…

P.S. Page 3 coming soon…

9 Responses to “Lux1200’s 4,000,000th visitor!”

  1. tommy214 Says:

    Cool, I’m glad you won the coin code, but I don’t like Lux so much. I won a membership code on his site, and he never gave it to me (it was already 2 years ago). Then he blacklisted me so noone finds out and because of that I only get about 3 visitors a day on my site.

  2. Lux1200 Says:

    Awesome I’m glad you won! I always hoped you’d win one of my giveaways :]

    Post up a pic of your penguin with the items and a pic of the 4,000,000 Hits and I’ll put them both up on my site!

    I like your site btw šŸ˜‰


  3. lia fowl Says:

    Wow cool ryno! your right hard work does pay off :]

  4. tommy214 Says:

    Ryno, do you have an Xbox 360? If yes, do you have a gamertag? Add me if you have, my gamertag is theArby2104 !

  5. tommy214 Says:

    Ok, I got a PS3 too, but suddenly it just stopped working. I asked an owner of a game shop if he can fix it, but he said that he heard about that problem and it’s impossible to fix it. So in fact, I don’t have it anymore. And today my XBOX almost got broken too, but it can be fixed.

    • RynoZodiac Says:

      You should be able to contact Sony about that. If you give them a call, they can help try and fix it, and if you can’t do it, they’ll usually give you an address to send it to where they’ll repair it or send you a new one. If it works out, my PSN ID is AlphaCommando.

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